- Turn equipment and lights off after hours or when not in use. Replace old fluorescent lighting with more efficient lighting.
- Choose Energy Star products whenever possible.
- Set energy-saving features on all your office equipment to put them into sleep mode when not in use.
- Set the printer or copier to double-sided printing; reuse the blank side of drafts to print in-house materials.
- Conduct an energy audit. The results will provide suggestions on ways to save energy and reduce costs at your business.
- Use laptop computers and inkjet printers, since they use 90% less energy than a standard computer and laser printer.
- Keep windows and doors closed to prevent loss of cooled air.
- Encourage communications by email and read emails onscreen to determine whether it's necessary to print them. If it's not, don't.
- Fix leaky faucets.
- Find a supply of paper with maximum recycled content.
- Provide recycle receptacles at your work for employees to use.
- Before deciding whether you need to purchase new office furniture, see if your existing furniture can be refurbished. If not, consider purchasing office furniture from companies that make furniture from recycled materials.
- Encourage and reward alternative commuting (carpooling, biking, walking, mass transit, and telecommuting).
- Keep thermostats at 78 degrees during work hours and at 85 degrees after hours.
- Minimize travel distance for attendees by holding meetings via teleconference and videoconference.
- Donate old or obsolete electronics to
- Educate employees about recycling and encourage recycling participation through incentives.
- Encourage employees to use a mug or glass cup. This saves disposable cups from being thrown away.