The San Bernardino Zero Waste Communities is proud of our partnerships. Together, we can provide our visitors with information and opportunities that educate the public on waste reduction, reuse and recycling, enrich their communities and ensure a quality life for ourselves and our environment. Check out these links for useful information. Please note the County of San Bernardino does not endorse any of the companies below. Please feel free to use them for resources in recycling research.
- AAA State of Play - Recycled Plastic
- Art from Junk
- California Resource Recovery Association
- Chino Basin Water Conservation District
- CREEC Network
- Curiosity Quest
- Earth 911
- EPA Kids
- Green Eco Services
- Green Valley Initiative
- Highland Environmental Education Coalition
- Inland Empire Resource Conservation District
- Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority
- San Bernardino Green County
- Solid Waste Management Division
- Sierra Club Big Bear Group
- The Wildlands Conservancy
- U.S. Green Building Council Inland Empire Chapter
- Vermi the Worm